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07. P.K. Yonge Library of Florida History

Identifier: 07
Florida History major manuscript collections include the papers of many prominent political and social leaders, as well as the papers of civic, trade and social organizations. Many of the manuscript groups contain business records as well as photographic materials that document the state's agricultural, environmental, military, and social history (the citrus, cattle, and naval stores industries; Seminole Wars; ethnic relations; immigration; etc.). Please note that a separate list exists for the Florida History Miscellaneous Manuscripts collection.

Found in 222 Collections and/or Records:

Bailey Family Papers

Identifier: Ms 213

Civil War correspondence written by Casermo Bailey, and miscellaneous correspondence and business papers by Bailey family members, including James Bailey and Mary Bailey.

Dates: 1841-1870

Bellamy Family Papers

Identifier: Ms 214

Correspondence amongst members of the Bellamy family and others.

Dates: 1825-1894; Majority of material found within 1847-1849; 1866-1872

Blanche Leigh Scrapbooks

Identifier: PKY 88.016

Two scrapbooks created by Blanche Leigh regarding Confederate monuments and the United Daughters of the Confederacy.

Dates: 1926-1927

Boyd Family Papers

Identifier: MS 232

Business, personal, and legal correspondence of the Boyd family of Palatka, Florida, including a receipt book of the Boyd and Monroe timber firm, Mary E. Boyd's land claim correspondence with the state, her personal account of an 1862 Civil War gunboat incident in Palatka, and her informal autobiography.

Dates: 1830-1916

Business Papers of William Moore Angas and Robert Moore Angas

Identifier: MS 121
Abstract Business records and correspondence, primarily created and maintained by William Moore Angas, of several British-owned companies operating in Florida and of Florida companies. The primary companies represented by William Angas include the Land Mortgage Bank of Florida, the Florida Syndicate (succeeded by the Keighley Company), the Indian River Association, the Florida Finance Company and the Hollybrook Company. William's son, Robert Moore Angas, was a Jacksonville civil engineer who...
Dates: 1889-1953

C. Farris Bryant Papers

Identifier: MS 288
Abstract The papers of Farris Bryant cover the years 1942 to 1977, with an emphasis on the Florida Legislative, gubernatorial elections in 1956 and 1960, and his career in the Federal Office of Emergency Planning. Most of the papers were generated by Bryant himself or organizations of which Bryant was a part of; there are some papers that pertain to the operation of state agencies that were of interest to Bryant, such as the Board of Control, the Turnpike Authority, and the State Road Department...
Dates: 1942-1977

Caleb Jewett King, Sr. Papers

Identifier: MS 251

Letters to Caleb King as an editorial writer at the Florida Times-Union (arranged in a scrapbook), and other correspondence.

Dates: 1823-1965; Majority of material found within 1950-1965

Carlstrom Airfield World War I Photographs

Identifier: MSS 0567

Photographs of Carlstrom Airfield in Arcadia Florida taken by either Lieutenant W.L.G. Smith, officer in charge of the photography section at Carlstrom, or Sergeant Thomas O’Connor, who trained under Smith in aerial photography.

Dates: 1917

Catholic Parishes of Florida Histories

Identifier: Ms 013

Responses to a form letter circulated by Michael V. Gannon in 1965 to the several Catholic parishes of Florida, designed to elicit historical information.

Dates: 1965

Charles Bannerman Papers

Identifier: MS 309

Charles Bannerman owned a plantation near Lake Iamonia in Leon County, Florida. This collection includes a variety of documents and discusses agricultural practices, weather, and family matters before, during, and after the Civil War.

Dates: 1837-1890