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Price Library of Judaica Performing Arts Collection

Identifier: JUD Coll. 0003

Scope and Content

This collection houses materials that reflect the fascination of the performing arts world with the Jewish experience and the importance of the performing arts in Jewish cultural life all over the world. Currently, a flyer of the musical The Golem of Havana, William Gibson’s two plays paying tribute to the life and career of Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, Golda and Golda’s Balcony, and the first draft of Michael Abrams’s play The Golem are included in the collection. A poster of the Jerusalem Haḥan Theatre’s Georg Büchner, Woyzeck. Jim Liversidge collected and donated the latter three items given to the Price Library. The collection is expected to grow in the future.


  • Creation: 1973 - 2015



The collection is open for research.

Biographical/Historical Note

The bulk of the collection was donated by Jim Liversidge, curator of Popular Culture Collections in the Department of Special and Area Studies Collections at the University of Florida. Liversidge graduated in 1979 at Emerson College in Boston and, before joining the University of Florida’s Department of Special and Area Studies Collections, he worked as a radio announcer and radio station program director. In 2008, Jim Liversidge donated The Jim Liversidge Collection (from JFK and Vietnam to George W. Bush, 9-11 and Barack Obama)—the result of 50 years of collecting—to the University of Florida. This collection comprises of 495 volumes housed in 218 boxes. In January 2009, Insight Magazine named him the fourth Most Interesting People of Gainesville. Rebecca Jefferson, head of Price Library initiated the creation of a performing arts collection for the Price Library to flesh out the importance of performing arts in the Jewish experience around the world.


0.2 Linear Feet (1 Box and 1 Flat item)

Language of Materials



This collection holds various materials related to the performing arts. The perfomances they record capture the Jewish experience in different countries and different historical periods and illustrate the importance of the performing arts in Jewish cultural life around the globe.


This collection is arranged in chronological order and topically.


University of Florida Smathers Library Building

Acquisition Information

Part of the collection was donated by Jim Liversidge.

Related Materials

The Price Library Anniversary Periodicals Collection include Teatro (טעאטער), the Argentinian Yiddish periodical. The Price Library Harvard Pamphlet Collection also contains playbills, musical notes, program flyers, and other materials related to performing arts.

A Guide to the Price Library of Judaica Performing Arts Collection
Finding aid created by Katalin Franciska Rac
March 2021
Description rules
Finding Aid Prepared Using Dacs
Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note
Description is written in English.

Repository Details

Part of the Special and Area Studies Collections, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida Repository

George A. Smathers Libraries
PO Box 117005
Gainesville Florida 32611-7005 United States of America