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Kim Tanzer Papers

Identifier: MS Coll. 151

Scope and Content

Collection contains faculty papers from Kim Tanzer, FAIA. Includes material on the University of Florida Senate, including meeting minutes, notes, and agendas. Also includes information on various UF Senate committees that Tanzer served on. More UF administrative information can be found in the various drafts of the UF Constitution and Tanzer's notes on revisions.

Also included in this collection is information on the Sustainability committee at UF and its work in establishing the Sustainability@UF program.

Tanzer was involved in designing areas of campus, including the Cultural Arts area in the southwest portion of campus, the redesign of the Women's Gym (now Ustler Hall), the Historic Gardens, and the Yardley Historic Courtyard. Plans, drawings, notes, and reports are included in the UF design series.


  • Creation: 1998 - 2005



University Archives collections are available for research. Portions of the collections may be restricted due to the requirements of applicable state and federal laws, including but not limited to FERPA and HIPAA, and in accordance with best practices as defined by the Society of American Archivists.

Biographical/Historical Note

Kim Tanzer, FAIA, received her B.A. from Duke University in 1977 and her Master of Architecture from North Carolina State University in 1984. At the University of Florida, she was Assistant Professor of Architecture from 1988-1993, Associate Professor of Architecture from 1993-2001, and Professor of Architecture from 2001-2009. She became the Dean of the School of Architecture and Edward E. Elson Professor of Architecture at the University of Virginia from 2009-2014, and from 2016, is Professor Emerita at the University of Virginia.

At the University of Florida, Tanzer served as a Senator, served as Chair of the University Constitution Committee twice, served on the Senate Steering Committee, the Senate Nominating Committee, and was the inaugural co-Chair of the Committee on Committees. She served on the Sustainability Committee, and several other ad hoc Senate and University committees. She also served as the Chair of the Faculty Senate.

Tanzer was also involved in the design process at the University of Florida for the former Women's Gym (now Kathryn Chicone Ustler Hall), which houses the Center for Gender, Sexualities, and Women’s Studies Research. She also worked on designs for the Yardley Historic Courtyard, the Cultural Arts area of the UF campus, and the UF Historic Gardens.


2 Linear Feet (4 boxes)

Language of Materials



Collection contains University of Florida Senate and UF Constitution materials, information on the Sustainability Committee at UF, and materials on the designs of buildings and areas on the UF campus.


Arranged into four series. Series 1: UF Senate and UF Committee Work, 1990-2006; Series 2: Sustainability, 2000-2009; Series 3: UF Design Projects, 1993-2003; Series 4: Publications, 1995-1998.


University of Florida Smathers Library Building

Acquisition Information

Gift of Kim Tanzer, 2018.

A Guide to the Kim Tanzer Papers
Finding aid created by Sarah Coates
July 2020
Description rules
Finding Aid Prepared Using Dacs
Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note
Description is written in English.

Repository Details

Part of the Special and Area Studies Collections, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida Repository

George A. Smathers Libraries
PO Box 117005
Gainesville Florida 32611-7005 United States of America