Zora Neale Hurston Papers
Identifier: MS Group 006
Hurston, Z.N. ALS to E.O. Grover Daytona. (4pp. 10 3/4 x 7 1/4). Need for recreation center in Eatonville. Problems of the community and of Hungerford School. Gift of Frances Grover
Digital Record
Identifier: https://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00009755/00059/
1943 November 7
Found in:
Special and Area Studies Collections, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida
Zora Neale Hurston Papers
Hurston, Z.N. ALS to E.O. Grover Daytona. (4pp. 10 3/4 x 7 1/4). Need for recreation center in Eatonville. Problems of the community and of Hungerford School. Gift of Frances Grover, 1943, Nov. 7
Hurston, Z.N. ALS to E.O. Grover. Ishpening. (1p. 8 1/2 x 11). Fannie Hurst. Gift of Frances Grover
Digital Record
Identifier: https://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00009755/00061/
Hurston, Z.N. ALS to E.O. Grover Maitland. (2pp. 11 x 7). Mrs. Thompson; friends. Gift of Frances Grover
Digital Record
Identifier: https://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00009755/00060/
Hurston, Z.N. ALS to Harper Brothers Fort Pierce, Fla. (1p. 8 1/2 x 11). Would Harper's be interested in her new book, Herod the Great
Digital Record
Identifier: https://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00009755/00062/
1959 January 16
Hurston, Z.N. ALS to Jean Waterbury Eau Gallie. (1p. 8 1/2 x 11). Refusal of book; Burroughs Mitchell
Digital Record
Identifier: https://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00009755/00063/
Hurston, Z.N. ALS to Margrit Sabloniere Eau Gallie, Fla. (2pp. 8 1/2 x 11). ZNH's article in Orlando Sentinel on race issue; ill; beginning work on life of Herod the Great
Digital Record
Identifier: https://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00009755/00064/
1955 December 3
Found in:
Special and Area Studies Collections, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida
Zora Neale Hurston Papers
Hurston, Z.N. ALS to Margrit Sabloniere Eau Gallie, Fla. (2pp. 8 1/2 x 11). ZNH's article in Orlando Sentinel on race issue; ill; beginning work on life of Herod the Great, 1955, Dec. 3
Hurston, Z.N. Postcard to E.O. Grover. (3 x 5 1/2). Has been ill with respiratory ailment, but is coming to Florida. Gift of Frances Grover
Digital Record
Identifier: https://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00009755/00065/
1942 April 15
Found in:
Special and Area Studies Collections, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida
Zora Neale Hurston Papers
Hurston, Z.N. Postcard to E.O. Grover. (3 x 5 1/2). Has been ill with respiratory ailment, but is coming to Florida. Gift of Frances Grover, 1942, Apr. 15
Hurston, Z.N. TLS to Connie Sheen New York. (2pp. 8 x 10 (photostat)). Wants her friendship
Digital Record
Identifier: https://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00009755/00071/
Hurston, Z.N. TLS to Connie Sheen New York (in Microfilm). (1p. 8 x 10 (photostat)). Working for Fannie Hurst
Digital Record
Identifier: https://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00009755/00070/
Hurston, Z.N. TLS to E.O. Grover Chicago. (1p. 8 1/2 x 11). Fellowship. Gift of Frances Grover
Digital Record
Identifier: https://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00009755/00073/