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Venezuela - Netherlands Papers

Identifier: MS Group 075

Scope and Content

Communiques, manuscripts, correspondence, reports, and other documents. The Venezuela - Netherlands Papers contain a great deal of information about these countries from 1870-1876. There are documents about the negotiations of the national debt of Venezuela with other countries, communiques and reports about various ships that were either captured or used to smuggle goods and arms to and from Venezuela, as well as legislation regarding children born in Venezuela of foreign parents. Some of the documents discuss the involvement of the United States in an attempt to settle disputes between Venezuela and the Netherlands, and there are materials regarding Venezuelan presidential elections.

Cornelis C. Goslinga assembled the papers in preparation for a work on smuggling that he was having published.


  • Creation: 1870-1876



The collection is open for research.


0.3 Linear feet (1 Box)

Language of Materials



Duplicates of documents, dated 1871-1900, including communiques, manuscripts, correspondence, reports, and other documents. Research materials of C. C. Goslinga for a book about smuggling.

Physical Location

University of Florida Smathers Library Building

Acquisition Information

Gift of Dr. Cornelis C. Goslinga.

Related Material

The papers are extracts from the archives collection VZ, A-128, covering 1870-1894, at the Rijks Archief, The Hague. The original documents are located in the Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores of Venezuela, and with Netherlands officials in The Hague.

A Guide to the Venezuela - Netherlands Papers
Finding aid prepared by Dept. Staff
November 2004
Description rules
Finding Aid Prepared Using Dacs
Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note
Description is written in English.

Repository Details

Part of the Special and Area Studies Collections, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida Repository

George A. Smathers Libraries
PO Box 117005
Gainesville Florida 32611-7005 United States of America