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Clippings File of the University of Florida College of Law

Identifier: Series 042

Scope and Content

Series 42 is a file of newspaper clippings related to the College of Law. The file was systematically maintained by the Dean's office from December 1949 to 1970. However, the file also includes a few clippings from 1939 to 1945, which are at the beginning of the first reel, and several clippings from 1971 to 1973, which appear at the end of the last reel.

Most of the clippings from 1949 through February 1963 were generated by the Florida Clippings Service of Tampa and document coverage of the College by all of the State's newspapers. However, the College also added clippings from locally printed sources. The latter include copies of The Shuffle, a satirical bulletin of the John Marshall Bar Association. Considerable attention is paid in the file to the controversy over desegregation of the law school in the 1950s. After 1963, most of the clippings came from local papers.


  • Creation: 1939-1973
  • Creation: Majority of material found in 1950-1970



University Archives collections are available for research. Portions of the collections may be restricted due to the requirements of applicable state and federal laws, including but not limited to FERPA and HIPAA, and in accordance with best practices as defined by the Society of American Archivists.


2 microfilm reels

Language of Materials



Newspaper clippings related to the College of Law.

Physical Location

University of Florida Smathers Library Building

A Guide to the Clippings File of the University of Florida College of Law, 1939-1973
Finding aid created by Dept. Staff
October 2006
Description rules
Finding Aid Prepared Using Dacs
Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note
Description is written in English.

Repository Details

Part of the Special and Area Studies Collections, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida Repository

George A. Smathers Libraries
PO Box 117005
Gainesville Florida 32611-7005 United States of America