Showing Collections: 141 - 150 of 285
John Howey's Sarasota School of Architecture Collection
Photographs, drawings, models and research materials collected or created by John Howey during the creation of the book and exhibition entitled, The Sarasota School of Architecture, 1941-1966. The materials pertain to the numerous modern architects working in Sarasota, Florida, during that period.
John K. Mahon Papers
Files of papers from 1961-2002, mostly dealing with Seminole Indian history, military history, and environmental activism.
John Lee Williams Papers
Unpublished manuscripts for the second edition of the book The Territory of Florida by John Lee Williams.
John M. DeGrove Papers
Publications, correspondence, research materials, reports and other papers of John M. DeGrove, an educator and prominent authority in growth management, politics, planning, public administration, natural resources, and land management.
John M. Goggin Papers
John M. Goggin was a renowned archaeologist and anthropologist who worked in the American Southwest and Southeast, the Caribbean, and Mexico. The collection includes his field notebooks, his publications and research files, photographs, and newspaper clippings.
John Marshall Bar Association Miscellany
Association publications, scripts for homecoming celebrations, programs for the Barristers' Brawl, and other documents.
John Parker Letters
Letters from John Parker in Havana, Cuba, to his employer, A.C. Johnstone, describing business in Cuba.
John Thomas Duckworth Papers
Letters to and from Sir John Thomas Duckworth to family and his naval associates and superiors regarding his naval engagements in the Caribbean.
John William DeBruyn Instructional Materials
Instructional materials, including exercises for singing and voice control, syllabi, and instructional placards, of John William DeBruyn.
John Wilson Croker Papers
Correspondence, dated 1808-1888, by British statesman, author, and critic, John Wilson Croker. The letters pertain to government and political affairs and to Croker's editing of the works of Alexander Pope.