Showing Collections: 11 - 20 of 285
Álbum de viaje
On July 13, 1842, Eusebio and Antonio Guiteras Font embarked on a three year voyage that took them from their home in Matanzas to the United States, Canada, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, the Holy Land, and Eygpt. The collections consists of three journals written by Eusebio. It contains detailed notes of the journey along with memorabilia from the trip.
Alden and Allene G. Hatch Papers
Manuscripts, correspondence, interviews, research papers, and other materials relating to biographies, histories, and novels written by author Alden Hatch, and by author and illustrator Allene Gaty Hatch.
Alexander Linn Papers
Monthly reports and supplementary letters from Rev. Alexander Linn to the Board of National Missions of the Presbyterian Church detailing expenses, salary due, and noteworthy events from his missionary work in Florida. The collection also includes a set of hand-tinted glass lantern slides that accompanied a lecture Linn gave about the Seminole Indians.
American Photo Company Photographs of the Port of Havana Construction
This collection includes 25 duotone photographs of the construction of the Port of Havana in Cuba.
Anonymous Copybook
Copies of letters addressed to the Printer, to Lord North, to the King, etc., signed "An Englishman," "A Friend to the Government," "One Million of Loyal Faithful Englishmen," etc., on topics regarding the church, unrest in America, and other affairs of the day.
Arthur E. Morgan Papers
Papers relating to Morgan's work as a civil engineer and to the Dayton Morgan Engineering Company's various water control projects throughout Florida, in particular to drainage of the Everglades.
Arthur L. Funk Papers
Small collection of papers from the files of former University of Florida history professor Arthur Funk. Features World War II artwork by Funk, AV from oral history interviews and copies of published articles written by Funk.
Austin Cary Papers
Papers relating to forestry, naval stores, and the turpentine industry in Florida.
Austin Shuey Mann Papers
The correspondence, telegrams, receipts, and miscellaneous materials of Austin Shuey Mann, Florida attorney, agriculturist, and state representative.
B. S. Hile Correspondence
Letters written by B. S. Hile to his family while he is living and employed in Havana, Cuba.