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Showing Collections: 191 - 200 of 285

Millard Fillmore Caldwell Papers

Identifier: Ms 010

Correspondence relating to the establishment of the Regional Council for Education; gubernatorial campaign material; and speeches delivered by Caldwell.

Dates: 1938-1950

Morton D. Winsberg Photographs of Colonia Baron Hirsch

Identifier: MS Group 170

Photographs of the Colonia Baron Hirsch, primarily of the Jewish settlers, in Argentina.

Dates: 1930-1960

Moses Myers Papers

Identifier: MSS 0385

The Moses Myers Papers consist of a handful of letters, shipping inventories, and a printed broadside relating to the early Jewish American merchant Moses Myers (1735-1835). Myers lived in Norfolk, VA, and his merchant business was involved in the Caribbean. His ships were instrumental during the War of 1812.

Dates: 1796-1820

Náñez-Woodward Collection of Panamanian Popular Art

Identifier: MSS 0414

The collection includes some 1,200 photographs (35mm negatives) of Panamanian popular art taken by Peter Szok between 2001 and 2011 and featured in his book Wolf Tracks: Popular Art and Re-Africanization in Twentieth-Century Panama.

Dates: 2001-2011

Napoleon Bonaparte Broward Papers

Identifier: Ms 009

Correspondence, speeches, news clippings, campaign material, legislative files, and other papers of former Florida governor, Napoleon Bonaparte Broward.

Dates: 1879-1918; Majority of material found within 1904-1910

Nathan S. Marshall Papers

Identifier: MSS 0471

A diary and related materials belonging to Nathan S. Marshall, a hospital steward on U.S.S. Vandalia describing Admiral Matthew C. Perry's fleet and the mission to Japan, 1853-1856.

Dates: 1853-1965

Observations de la Chambre de Commerce, Marseille, France

Identifier: MSS 0451

An 1816 manuscript entitled, "Observations de la Chambre de Commerce... Marseille," which deals with the commerce of Marseille, particularly with the French colonies in the Americas.

Dates: 1816

Observations Importantes by Sugar Traders in Nantes, France

Identifier: MSS 0450

"Observations Importantes" by anonymous sugar traders in Nantes, France, and an "Avis" written by the deputies of commerce of Brittany.

Dates: 1788

Oral History Interviews for Mayport by Helen Cooper Floyd

Identifier: MSS 0609

This collection contains audio cassette tapes and accompanying transcriptions of oral histories Floyd conducted with Mayport residents in the 1970s and 1980s.

Dates: 1971 - 1988

Ormond Family Papers

Identifier: Ms 078

The collection includes correspondence, business letters, account books, and a memoir manuscript created by members of the Ormond family of Florida.

Dates: 1784-1909; Majority of material found within 1834-1892

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Special and Area Studies Collections, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida 281
Governor's House Library, St. Augustine, Florida 4
Florida. 72
Politics and government. 30
Cuba. 27
photographs 27
correspondence 26
∨ more
Nineteenth century. 18
Florida -- Gainesville. 15
Twentieth century. 15
Women. 15
Architecture. 14
Africa. 13
United States. 10
American Civil War (1861-1865). 9
Travel. 9
Florida -- Jacksonville. 8
Seminole Indians. 8
Slavery. 8
personal narratives 8
Agriculture. 7
Florida -- Saint Augustine. 7
Haiti. 7
Jews. 7
World War (1939-1945). 7
Diaries. 6
Education. 6
Eighteenth century. 6
Florida -- Everglades. 6
France. 6
Plantation life. 6
Plantations. 6
Sugar trade. 6
sources (general concept) 6
Civil rights. 5
Commerce. 5
Cuba -- Havana. 5
Elections. 5
Florida -- Marjorie Harris Carr Cross Florida Greenway. 5
Historic buildings. 5
Seminole War, 2nd (1835-1842). 5
Women authors. 5
Architecture, Modern. 4
Artists. 4
Authors, American. 4
Bolivia. 4
Canals. 4
Caribbean Area. 4
Colonization. 4
Conservation of natural resources. 4
Drainage. 4
Ethiopia. 4
Florida -- Alachua County. 4
French colonies. 4
Georgia. 4
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration. 4
Historic sites. 4
Italy. 4
Jews -- Migrations. 4
Latin America. 4
Mexico. 4
Novelists, American. 4
Political campaigns. 4
Railroads. 4
Revolution (Cuba : 1959). 4
Sugar factories. 4
Tourism. 4
United States -- Confederate States of America. 4
African Americans. 3
British colonies. 3
Buildings. 3
Citrus fruit industry. 3
Dominican Republic -- Santo Domingo. 3
Emigration and immigration. 3
Flood control. 3
Florida -- Fernandina. 3
Historic preservation. 3
Historic sites -- Conservation and restoration. 3
International relations. 3
Jamaica. 3
Kenya. 3
Landscape architecture. 3
Landscape design. 3
Lawyers. 3
Massachusetts -- Nantucket. 3
Military history. 3
Peru. 3
Photographs 3
Politicians. 3
Puerto Rico. 3
Revolution (Cuba: 1895-1898). 3
Slavery -- French colonies. 3
Social conditions. 3
South America. 3
Spanish colonies. 3
Spanish-American War (1898). 3
Sugar growing. 3
Universities and colleges. 3
Vietnam War (1961-1975). 3
Women -- Societies and clubs. 3
newspapers 3
+ ∧ less
English 252
Spanish; Castilian 29
French 18
Multiple languages 9
German 7
∨ more  
University of Florida. 16
United States. Congress. Florida delegation 6
Historic St. Augustine Preservation Board. 5
Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan, 1896-1953. 5
United States. Congress. House. 4
∨ more
United States. Congress. Senate. 4
Catholic Church. 3
Flagler, Henry Morrison, 1830-1913. 3
Florida Gators (Football team). 3
Florida. Legislature. 3
Gannon, Michael, 1927-2017. 3
American Association of University Professors. University of Florida Chapter. 2
Caldwell, Millard Fillmore, 1897-1984. 2
Carleton, William G. (William Graves), 1901-1982. 2
Carrère & Hastings. 2
Castro, Fidel, 1926-2016. 2
Chase, Joshua Coffin, 1858-1948. 2
Chase, Sydney Octavius, 1860-1941. 2
Florida Audubon Society. 2
Florida Blue Key (Fraternity). 2
Florida Defenders of the Environment. 2
Florida State University. 2
Florida Town Improvement Company. 2
Florida. Legislature. Legislative Investigation Committee. 2
Florida. State Agricultural College. 2
Florida. Supreme Court. 2
Gainesville Women for Equal Rights. 2
Hiers, Richard H. 2
Holland, Spessard L. (Spessard Lindsey), 1892-1971. 2
Jennings, May Mann, 1872-1963. 2
John Forbes & Company. 2
John Leslie and Company. 2
Keystone View Company. 2
Lincoln High School (Gainesville, Fla.). 2
Lockey, Joseph Byrne, 1877-1946. 2
MacDonald, John D. (John Dann), 1916-1986. 2
Martí, José, 1853-1895. 2
McGuire & McDonald, architects. 2
Panton, Leslie & Company. 2
Reeves, F. Blair, 1922- 2
Shepard, Herschel E. 2
Smathers, George A. (George Armistead), 1913-2007. 2
Smith, Lillian (Lillian Eugenia), 1897-1966. 2
Swann, Samuel Ashe, 1832-1909. 2
United States. Forest Service. 2
Visionaires Club. 2
1000 Friends of Florida. 1
A. Quinn Jones Elementary School (Gainesville, Fla.) 1
Adams, James Meade, 1862- 1
Alachua County (Fla.). School Board. 1
Alcazar Hotel (Saint Augustine, Fla.). 1
Ali, Muhammad, 1942-2016. 1
Allison, R.V., Robert Verrill, 1896 1
Alpha Tau Omega. Alpha Omega Chapter (University of Florida). 1
American Bar Association 1
American Chemical Society. Florida Section. 1
American Express Company. 1
American Institute of Accountants. 1
American Photo Co. 1
Anderson , James Nesbitt. 1
Anderson family. 1
Anderson, John. 1
Andrews, Charles. 1
Angrick, William P., II, 1945- 1
Arpino, Gerald 1
Association for Higher Education. 1
Association of American Universities. 1
Association of Governing Boards of State Universities and Allied Institutions. 1
Atwood, Wallace Walter, 1872-1949. 1
Aultman, Mary E. 1
Austin family. 1
Bagasse Products. 1
Bailey, Thomas David, 1897-1974. 1
Bannerman, Charles, 1806-1866. 1
Barber, Red, 1908-1992. 1
Baro, Gene. 1
Barovitch, Margaret. 1
Bartleman, Richard M., 1863- 1
Baskin, Norton S. 1
Bechtel, Louise Seaman, 1894-1985. 1
Beinecke, Walter, Jr., 1918-2004. 1
Bellamy family. 1
Bennett, Charles E., 1910-2003. 1
Berg, Rebecca L., 1960- 1
Bernhard, Prince, consort of Juliana, Queen of the Netherlands, 1911-2004. 1
Berrigan, Philip. 1
Bethune-Cookman College (Daytona Beach, Fla.). 1
Bianco, Margery Williams, 1881-1944. 1
Bigelow, Mary 1
Bloch, Ernest, 1880-1959. 1
Bo Diddley, 1928-2008. 1
Board of Control for Southern Regional Education (U.S.). 1
Bohemia. 1
Bonaparte, Joseph. 1
Bone, Elmer Harvey, 1885-1976. 1
Bowen, Robert O., 1920-2003. 1
Boyd family. 1
Boyd, Mark. 1
Bricktop, 1894-1984. 1
Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM). 1
+ ∧ less