Showing Collections: 191 - 200 of 285
Millard Fillmore Caldwell Papers
Correspondence relating to the establishment of the Regional Council for Education; gubernatorial campaign material; and speeches delivered by Caldwell.
Morton D. Winsberg Photographs of Colonia Baron Hirsch
Photographs of the Colonia Baron Hirsch, primarily of the Jewish settlers, in Argentina.
Moses Myers Papers
The Moses Myers Papers consist of a handful of letters, shipping inventories, and a printed broadside relating to the early Jewish American merchant Moses Myers (1735-1835). Myers lived in Norfolk, VA, and his merchant business was involved in the Caribbean. His ships were instrumental during the War of 1812.
Náñez-Woodward Collection of Panamanian Popular Art
The collection includes some 1,200 photographs (35mm negatives) of Panamanian popular art taken by Peter Szok between 2001 and 2011 and featured in his book Wolf Tracks: Popular Art and Re-Africanization in Twentieth-Century Panama.
Napoleon Bonaparte Broward Papers
Correspondence, speeches, news clippings, campaign material, legislative files, and other papers of former Florida governor, Napoleon Bonaparte Broward.
Nathan S. Marshall Papers
A diary and related materials belonging to Nathan S. Marshall, a hospital steward on U.S.S. Vandalia describing Admiral Matthew C. Perry's fleet and the mission to Japan, 1853-1856.
Observations de la Chambre de Commerce, Marseille, France
An 1816 manuscript entitled, "Observations de la Chambre de Commerce... Marseille," which deals with the commerce of Marseille, particularly with the French colonies in the Americas.
Observations Importantes by Sugar Traders in Nantes, France
"Observations Importantes" by anonymous sugar traders in Nantes, France, and an "Avis" written by the deputies of commerce of Brittany.
Oral History Interviews for Mayport by Helen Cooper Floyd
This collection contains audio cassette tapes and accompanying transcriptions of oral histories Floyd conducted with Mayport residents in the 1970s and 1980s.
Ormond Family Papers
The collection includes correspondence, business letters, account books, and a memoir manuscript created by members of the Ormond family of Florida.