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Showing Collections: 221 - 230 of 285

Records of the East African Professional Hunters' Association

Identifier: MS Group 283

The Records of the East African Professional Hunters' Association (EAPHA) include the association's minutes, membership records, rules, reports, correspondence, collected press clippings, records of trophies awarded, disciplinary actions, member biographical sketches, and photographs.

Dates: 1934-1999; Majority of material found within 1934-1977

Records of the Florida Defenders of the Environment

Identifier: Ms 204

Documents of the Florida Defenders of the Environment, the majority of which deal with the fight to de-authorize the Cross Florida Barge Canal project.

Dates: 1943-1994; Majority of material found within 1969-1994

Records of the Florida National Organization for Women

Identifier: MS 123

The Records of the Florida NOW include officers' and members' correspondence, meeting minutes and agendas, reports, budgets, newsletters, and other records which chronicle the development and activities of Florida NOW from its founding in 1973 until 2003.

Dates: 1971-2003

Records of the Gainesville Women for Equal Rights (GWER)

Identifier: Ms 167

Records of the Gainesville Women for Equal Rights including correspondence, meeting minutes, and newsletters.

Dates: 1963-2001

Records of the University of Florida Public Administration Clearing Service

Identifier: Series 063

Records of four Public Administration Clearing Service directors, Arthur J. Waterman, William F. Larsen, William C. Havard, and Gladys Kammerer.

Dates: 1948-1965

Reverend Benjamin Safer and Family Collection

Identifier: MSS 0332
Abstract This collection documents the life of four generations of the Safer family of Jacksonville, Florida. It holds Reverend Benjamin Safer's Collection, including sermons, letters, notes, and family photographs. In addition, it includes official documents and photographs of the places where various family members lived and worked in Lithuania and Jacksonville, Florida. The family reunion scrapbook from 1978 and Edwin Safer's correspondence with the Miami Jewish Museum, which are also included in...
Dates: 1901-2017

Richard Eberhart Papers

Identifier: MS Group 085b

Typescripts and copies of poems and addresses by poet Richard Eberhart.

Dates: 1977-1990

Richard F. Phillips Latin American Postcard Collection

Identifier: MSS 0346

The collection consists of postcards featuring views of various cities and countries throughout Latin America, as well as images of Latin American art.

Dates: approximately 1937-2012

Richard H. Hiers Papers

Identifier: Ms Coll. 032

Correspondence, writings, teaching materials and other papers of University of Florida professor Richard H. Hiers.

Dates: 1960-2003

Richard M. Bartleman Papers

Identifier: MS Group 037

Memoirs, correspondence, and clippings of Richard M. Bartleman, a diplomat stationed in Venezuela in the 1890s.

Dates: 1890-1893

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Special and Area Studies Collections, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida 281
Governor's House Library, St. Augustine, Florida 4
Florida. 72
Politics and government. 30
Cuba. 27
photographs 27
correspondence 26
∨ more
Nineteenth century. 18
Florida -- Gainesville. 15
Twentieth century. 15
Women. 15
Architecture. 14
Africa. 13
United States. 10
American Civil War (1861-1865). 9
Travel. 9
Florida -- Jacksonville. 8
Seminole Indians. 8
Slavery. 8
personal narratives 8
Agriculture. 7
Florida -- Saint Augustine. 7
Haiti. 7
Jews. 7
World War (1939-1945). 7
Diaries. 6
Education. 6
Eighteenth century. 6
Florida -- Everglades. 6
France. 6
Plantation life. 6
Plantations. 6
Sugar trade. 6
sources (general concept) 6
Civil rights. 5
Commerce. 5
Cuba -- Havana. 5
Elections. 5
Florida -- Marjorie Harris Carr Cross Florida Greenway. 5
Historic buildings. 5
Seminole War, 2nd (1835-1842). 5
Women authors. 5
Architecture, Modern. 4
Artists. 4
Authors, American. 4
Bolivia. 4
Canals. 4
Caribbean Area. 4
Colonization. 4
Conservation of natural resources. 4
Drainage. 4
Ethiopia. 4
Florida -- Alachua County. 4
French colonies. 4
Georgia. 4
Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration. 4
Historic sites. 4
Italy. 4
Jews -- Migrations. 4
Latin America. 4
Mexico. 4
Novelists, American. 4
Political campaigns. 4
Railroads. 4
Revolution (Cuba : 1959). 4
Sugar factories. 4
Tourism. 4
United States -- Confederate States of America. 4
African Americans. 3
British colonies. 3
Buildings. 3
Citrus fruit industry. 3
Dominican Republic -- Santo Domingo. 3
Emigration and immigration. 3
Flood control. 3
Florida -- Fernandina. 3
Historic preservation. 3
Historic sites -- Conservation and restoration. 3
International relations. 3
Jamaica. 3
Kenya. 3
Landscape architecture. 3
Landscape design. 3
Lawyers. 3
Massachusetts -- Nantucket. 3
Military history. 3
Peru. 3
Photographs 3
Politicians. 3
Puerto Rico. 3
Revolution (Cuba: 1895-1898). 3
Slavery -- French colonies. 3
Social conditions. 3
South America. 3
Spanish colonies. 3
Spanish-American War (1898). 3
Sugar growing. 3
Universities and colleges. 3
Vietnam War (1961-1975). 3
Women -- Societies and clubs. 3
newspapers 3
+ ∧ less
English 252
Spanish; Castilian 29
French 18
Multiple languages 9
German 7
∨ more  
University of Florida. 16
United States. Congress. Florida delegation 6
Historic St. Augustine Preservation Board. 5
Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan, 1896-1953. 5
United States. Congress. House. 4
∨ more
United States. Congress. Senate. 4
Catholic Church. 3
Flagler, Henry Morrison, 1830-1913. 3
Florida Gators (Football team). 3
Florida. Legislature. 3
Gannon, Michael, 1927-2017. 3
American Association of University Professors. University of Florida Chapter. 2
Caldwell, Millard Fillmore, 1897-1984. 2
Carleton, William G. (William Graves), 1901-1982. 2
Carrère & Hastings. 2
Castro, Fidel, 1926-2016. 2
Chase, Joshua Coffin, 1858-1948. 2
Chase, Sydney Octavius, 1860-1941. 2
Florida Audubon Society. 2
Florida Blue Key (Fraternity). 2
Florida Defenders of the Environment. 2
Florida State University. 2
Florida Town Improvement Company. 2
Florida. Legislature. Legislative Investigation Committee. 2
Florida. State Agricultural College. 2
Florida. Supreme Court. 2
Gainesville Women for Equal Rights. 2
Hiers, Richard H. 2
Holland, Spessard L. (Spessard Lindsey), 1892-1971. 2
Jennings, May Mann, 1872-1963. 2
John Forbes & Company. 2
John Leslie and Company. 2
Keystone View Company. 2
Lincoln High School (Gainesville, Fla.). 2
Lockey, Joseph Byrne, 1877-1946. 2
MacDonald, John D. (John Dann), 1916-1986. 2
Martí, José, 1853-1895. 2
McGuire & McDonald, architects. 2
Panton, Leslie & Company. 2
Reeves, F. Blair, 1922- 2
Shepard, Herschel E. 2
Smathers, George A. (George Armistead), 1913-2007. 2
Smith, Lillian (Lillian Eugenia), 1897-1966. 2
Swann, Samuel Ashe, 1832-1909. 2
United States. Forest Service. 2
Visionaires Club. 2
1000 Friends of Florida. 1
A. Quinn Jones Elementary School (Gainesville, Fla.) 1
Adams, James Meade, 1862- 1
Alachua County (Fla.). School Board. 1
Alcazar Hotel (Saint Augustine, Fla.). 1
Ali, Muhammad, 1942-2016. 1
Allison, R.V., Robert Verrill, 1896 1
Alpha Tau Omega. Alpha Omega Chapter (University of Florida). 1
American Bar Association 1
American Chemical Society. Florida Section. 1
American Express Company. 1
American Institute of Accountants. 1
American Photo Co. 1
Anderson , James Nesbitt. 1
Anderson family. 1
Anderson, John. 1
Andrews, Charles. 1
Angrick, William P., II, 1945- 1
Arpino, Gerald 1
Association for Higher Education. 1
Association of American Universities. 1
Association of Governing Boards of State Universities and Allied Institutions. 1
Atwood, Wallace Walter, 1872-1949. 1
Aultman, Mary E. 1
Austin family. 1
Bagasse Products. 1
Bailey, Thomas David, 1897-1974. 1
Bannerman, Charles, 1806-1866. 1
Barber, Red, 1908-1992. 1
Baro, Gene. 1
Barovitch, Margaret. 1
Bartleman, Richard M., 1863- 1
Baskin, Norton S. 1
Bechtel, Louise Seaman, 1894-1985. 1
Beinecke, Walter, Jr., 1918-2004. 1
Bellamy family. 1
Bennett, Charles E., 1910-2003. 1
Berg, Rebecca L., 1960- 1
Bernhard, Prince, consort of Juliana, Queen of the Netherlands, 1911-2004. 1
Berrigan, Philip. 1
Bethune-Cookman College (Daytona Beach, Fla.). 1
Bianco, Margery Williams, 1881-1944. 1
Bigelow, Mary 1
Bloch, Ernest, 1880-1959. 1
Bo Diddley, 1928-2008. 1
Board of Control for Southern Regional Education (U.S.). 1
Bohemia. 1
Bonaparte, Joseph. 1
Bone, Elmer Harvey, 1885-1976. 1
Bowen, Robert O., 1920-2003. 1
Boyd family. 1
Boyd, Mark. 1
Bricktop, 1894-1984. 1
Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM). 1
+ ∧ less