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Showing Collections: 1071 - 1080 of 1101

Wells M. Sawyer Collection

Identifier: MS 229

Correspondence, drawings, and other papers related to Wells M. Sawyer's life, travels, and the 1895-1897 Pepper-Hearst Expedition in Florida.

Dates: 1893-1961

Wendy Pond Collection on Argentinian Trade Currency and the Red Global de Trueque

Identifier: MSS 0411

Newspaper articles, pamphlets, and currency from Argentina's Red Global de Trueque introduced as an alternate currency after 1998-2002 economic collapse.

Dates: 1999-2003

West Indies Papers

Identifier: MS Group 012

Correspondence of the various colonial governors of the British West Indies together with financial accounts and pay warrants.

Dates: 1771-1829

Wilbert Alva Little Manuscript

Identifier: Ms Coll. 027

Typescript entitled "Reminiscences: Fifty Years in the Schoolroom" detailing Little's experience as an educator in Georgia and Florida.

Dates: circa 1938

Wilbur L. Floyd Photographs

Identifier: Ms Coll. 037

Photographs documenting Gainesville, Alachua County, the East Florida Seminary, the University of Florida, and the Floyd Family.

Dates: 1875-1940

Will McLean Florida Folk Music Collection

Identifier: MSS 0401
Abstract The private and professional life of Florida's "Black Hat Troubadour," Will McLean (aka the "Father of Florida Folk"), from his birth in Chipley, Florida in 1919 to his passing in 1990. The collection also represents the 20th Century Florida Folk scene populated with many of Will McLean's friends, colleagues and collaborators including Margaret Longhill ("The Matriarch of Florida Folk"), Gamble Rogers, Cousin Thelma Boltin, Dale Crider, Don Grooms, Donna Green-Townsend, Kate Bostrum, Red...
Dates: 1885 - 2000

William A. McRae Papers

Identifier: MSS 0467

Correspondence of military officers regarding the United Nations Security Council.

Dates: 1945

William Andrew Paton Papers

Identifier: MS Group 110-4

William A. Paton's manuscripts and research material on various accounting subjects, as well as correspondence with Williard E. Stone and others.

Dates: 1944-1972

William Bauer Collection of Architectural Drawings Relating to Jacksonville

Identifier: MSS 0377

Contains 81 architectural drawings created by four prominent Florida architects for the development firm Telfair Stockton and Co., Inc. in the late 1930s and other miscellaneous architectural drawings.

Dates: circa 1935-1950

William Crosbie Estate Papers

Identifier: MS Group 228

The William Crosbie Estate Papers include correspondence concerning his estate and also his agent/manager, John Otto Bayer's land in Antigua.

Dates: 1792-1816

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Special and Area Studies Collections, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida 1097
Governor's House Library, St. Augustine, Florida 4
electronic records (digital records) 285
Florida. 243
Politics and government. 81
correspondence 76
photographs 68
∨ more
Cuba. 56
Florida -- Gainesville. 50
Jews. 50
Twentieth century. 48
Women. 41
Architecture. 37
Nineteenth century. 35
World War (1939-1945). 31
Florida -- Jacksonville. 26
Africa. 24
American Civil War (1861-1865). 24
Florida -- Saint Augustine. 23
United States. 22
Agriculture. 21
College presidents. 21
personal narratives 20
Travel. 19
Seminole Indians. 18
Tourism. 17
African Americans. 16
Universities and colleges -- Faculty. 16
Universities and colleges. 16
Education. 14
Florida -- Alachua County. 14
Slavery. 14
Sugar trade. 14
Caribbean Area. 13
Cuba -- Havana. 12
Florida -- Everglades. 12
Florida -- Tampa. 12
Haiti. 12
Revolution (Cuba : 1959). 12
United States -- Confederate States of America. 12
Architecture -- Designs and plans. 11
Architecture, Modern. 11
Authors, American. 11
Citrus fruit industry. 11
Civil rights. 11
College students. 11
Conservation of natural resources. 11
Diaries. 11
Florida -- Miami. 11
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945). 11
Latin America. 11
Politicians. 11
Accounting. 10
College students -- Political activity. 10
Eighteenth century. 10
Elections. 10
Florida -- Marjorie Harris Carr Cross Florida Greenway. 10
Plantations. 10
Railroads. 10
Universities and colleges -- Societies, etc. 10
Education, Higher. 9
Environmental protection. 9
France. 9
Holocaust survivors. 9
Mexico. 9
Military campaigns. 9
Motion pictures. 9
Puerto Rico. 9
Women -- Societies and clubs. 9
World War (1914-1918). 9
sources (general concept) 9
Artists. 8
Florida -- Palm Beach. 8
Forests and forestry. 8
Germany. 8
Greek letter societies. 8
Historic buildings. 8
International relations. 8
Military history. 8
Music. 8
New York (State). 8
Novelists, American. 8
Plantation life. 8
Political campaigns. 8
Postcards. 8
Spain. 8
Spanish-American War (1898). 8
Theater. 8
West Indies. 8
American literature. 7
Architectural drawing. 7
Brazil. 7
College sports. 7
Colonization. 7
Florida -- Fernandina. 7
Jews -- Migrations. 7
Journalism. 7
Nature conservation. 7
Seminole War, 2nd (1835-1842). 7
South America. 7
Vietnam War (1961-1975). 7
Western Front (World War (1939-1945)). 7
+ ∧ less
English 1031
Spanish; Castilian 90
French 44
Multiple languages 36
German 25
∨ more  
University of Florida. 71
University of Florida. Office of the President. 18
United States. Congress. Florida delegation 13
University of Florida. Libraries. 12
University of Florida. Student Government. 12
∨ more
Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan, 1896-1953. 10
Florida. Board of Regents. 9
United States. Congress. House. 9
University of Florida. Agricultural Experiment Station. 8
Castro, Fidel, 1926-2016. 7
Florida Agricultural College (Lake City, Fla.). 7
Florida. Legislature. Senate. 7
Florida. Legislature. House of Representatives. 6
United States. Congress. Senate. 6
University of Florida. College of Law. 6
Catholic Church. 5
Florida. State Agricultural College. 5
Historic St. Augustine Preservation Board. 5
Pepper, Claude, 1900-1989. 5
University of Florida (Lake City, Fla.). 5
University of Florida. Office of Academic Affairs. 5
University of Florida. University College. 5
WRUF (Radio station : Gainesville, Fla.). 5
American Association of University Professors. University of Florida Chapter. 4
East Florida Seminary (Gainesville, Fla.). 4
Florida Cooperative Extension Service. 4
Florida East Coast Railway. 4
Florida Gators (Football team). 4
Florida League of Women Voters. 4
Florida. Supreme Court. 4
Hennique, Léon, 1851-1935. 4
Kennedy, Stetson, 1916-2011. 4
Movimiento Revolucionario 26 de Julio. 4
Reitz, J. Wayne (Julius Wayne) 4
Smith, Lillian (Lillian Eugenia), 1897-1966. 4
United States. Army. 4
University of Florida. Chemistry Department. 4
University of Florida. College of Agriculture. 4
University of Florida. College of Education. 4
University of Florida. College of Medicine. 4
University of Florida. College of Pharmacy. 4
University of Florida. Department of Music. 4
Weaver, Rudolph, 1880-1944. 4
Yonge, Julien Chandler, 1879-1962. 4
Carleton, William G. (William Graves), 1901-1982. 3
Catts, Sidney Johnston, 1863-1936. 3
Democratic Party (Fla.) State Executive Committee. 3
Douglas, Marjory Stoneman. 3
Flagler, Henry Morrison, 1830-1913. 3
Florida Blue Key (Fraternity). 3
Florida Defenders of the Environment. 3
Florida State University. 3
Florida. Board of Control. 3
Florida. Legislature. 3
Florida. Legislature. Legislative Investigation Committee. 3
Gannon, Michael, 1927-2017. 3
Hardman, Martha James. 3
Hiers, Richard H. 3
Holland, Spessard L. (Spessard Lindsey), 1892-1971. 3
Hurston, Zora Neale. 3
Jones, Marshall B. 3
Knight, Peter Oliphant, 1865-1946. 3
Martí, José, 1853-1895. 3
Miller, J. Hillis (Joseph Hillis), 1899-1953. 3
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. 3
Patrick, Rembert W. (Rembert Wallace), 1909-1967. 3
Phi Kappa Phi. University of Florida Chapter. 3
Rolfs, P. H. (Peter Henry), 1865-1944. 3
Scudder, Delton Lewis, 1906- 3
Smathers, George A. (George Armistead), 1913-2007. 3
State Plant Board of Florida. 3
Tigert, John James, 1882-1965. 3
Trujillo Molina, Rafael Leónidas, 1891-1961. 3
United States. Forest Service. 3
University of Florida. College of Business Administration. 3
University of Florida. College of Fine Arts. 3
University of Florida. College of Journalism and Communications. 3
University of Florida. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. 3
University of Florida. Committee on University Libraries. 3
University of Florida. Department of English. 3
University of Florida. General Extension Division. 3
University of Florida. Graduate School. Office of the Dean. 3
University of Florida. Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. 3
University of Florida. Office of the Registrar. 3
WUFT (Television station : Gainesville, Fla.). 3
Weil, Joseph, 1897- 3
Yerkes Laboratories of Primate Biology. 3
Yulee, David Levy, 1810-1886. 3
American Bar Association 2
Anderson , James Nesbitt. 2
Andrews, Charles Oscar, 1877-1946. 2
Arnett, William Tobias. 2
Bannister, Turpin C. (Turpin Chambers), 1904-1982. 2
Baskin, Norton S. 2
Belknap Collection for the Performing Arts. 2
Bowen, Robert O., 1920-2003. 2
Brady, Marna Venable, 1904-1984. 2
Caldwell, Millard Fillmore, 1897-1984. 2
Carr, Archie, 1909-1987. 2
Carrère & Hastings. 2
+ ∧ less